Mr Kobus Miller

(Mediator and Arbitrator)


Mr Miller obtained his BA in law at the University of Potchefstroom in 1969, and his LLB at the University of Natal in 1978. Since 1968 Mr Miller has been a prosecutor and magistrate, practised as an advocate at the Natal Bar and the Namibian Bar, practised as an attorney with MaCauly and Riddell in Ladysmith, Natal, and Conradie & Damaseb in Windhoek. In 1990 Mr Miller was admitted as an advocate of the High Court of Namibia. Mr Miller was an Acting Judge of the High Court of Namibia from 2011 to 31 March 2017. Mr Miller has experience in company law as company secretary for Trustco Group Holdings Ltd, building disputes, banking law, insurance law, the law of intellectual property, labour law, matrimonial law, medical malpractice, parastatals, personal injury cases, property law, stock exchange, trademarks, trusts, unlawful competition and the law relating to water, mines, and minerals.