Adv. Slysken S. Makando (arbitrator)

Adv. Slysken S. Makando is the founder and owner of Adv. S. S. Makando Chambers, one of the leading legal minds not only in Namibia but international. He established it on the 1st of March 2016 and on the 17th of September 2024, he incorporated it as S.S. Makando Inc. Before establishing the law firm, he had been a legal practitioner for the following law firms: D’ Oliveira and Partners (South Africa), Conradie and Damaseb, Muluti and Partners and Murorua and Associates. Further, he has been a legal advisor for TransNamib Holdings Limited and the Ministry of Defence.

He has since specialized in Construction Law and Arbitration. This is after he had completed the approved postgraduates’ program for the LLM (Construction Law and Arbitration) that included: Law of Obligations, Arbitration Laws, Practice and Procedure, Construction Law I (Procurement), Construction Law II (Completion and Resolution), Construction Law III (International Construction Contracts), Arbitration Award Writing and Case Study, specifically focusing on arbitration and adjudication.

His further professional experience is that he was a lecturer for the Law of Evidence and Criminal Law at the University of Namibia. Further, he also was a lecturer at the Justice Training Centre for Criminal Law practice for the High and Supreme Courts.

He studied in the Republic of South Africa, University of Zululand where he obtained B Juris, LLB cum laude. He obtained an LLM (Construction Law and Arbitration) from Robert Gordon University, Aberdeen, Scotland.

Over a period, he has done assignments for the International Labour Office (ILO), he drew the Namibia Defence Act and is currently drafting the Namibian Tourism Bill. Relevant to governance and control of State Owned Enterprises (SOEs), he has been the Chairman of Namibia Estate Agents Board and current is the Deputy Chairman of Namib in Reinsurance (Namibre).

On extramural activities, he has been the legal advisor of Namibia Premier League and prosecutor for the Namibia Football Association.

For full curriculum vitae click here …