We believe that the costs, waste of time, delays, and damage to relationships, resulting from adversarial litigation practices have reached levels which are unsustainable; and that the high costs levels thereof in particular impede access to justice. Alternative dispute resolution (“ADR”) practices provide a more expeditious, efficient, and effective process for the resolution of disputes.

We believe it is a priority to explore the use of cost-effective, sustainable, dispute resolution procedures. We can and should engage in a systematic and collaborative approach to dispute management and resolution with domestic and international customers, clients, suppliers, partners and competitors.

We belief that independent, impartial and competent outside counsel can be an integral part of our dispute management team, and that legal practitioners schooled and trained in ADR can better serve our legal services needs.

“We believe that using ADR processes will lead to outcomes which enhance both our short and long term well-being, and preserve our vital business relationships. Accordingly we subscribe to the following statement:

“We pledge to commit our resources to manage and resolve disputes through negotiation, mediation, arbitration and other ADR processes in appropriate circumstances with the view of establishing and practising sustainable dispute management and resolution processes.”

Signed and dated at Windhoek on ___ April 2015.


